Saturday, 18 April 2015

He Knows Our Thoughts!

He knows Our Thoughts!
Let us read Isaiah 66 verse 18,
" For I know their works and their thoughts. It shall be that I will gather all nations and tongues, and they shall come and see My glory. "

The Lord our God declares that He knows our every thought and action, the implications of this scripture is tremendous!
It implies that nothing that we do or think is hidden before the Lord!
It also testifies that the Lord is a righteous judge, you may ask, "How does it imply that?"
Well picture this, there is a man on trial for murder, the man on trial had killed his best friend, while they were on a hunting trip.
The lawyer of the accused claims that the defendant is not guilty, for he shot his friend accidently, the lawyer then brings several convincing proofs to prove his defense.
The jury, all agree that the man is not guilty and they now await the judge's decision.
Everything points that the accused is innocent, but suddenly the judge says, "He is guilty."
The entire courtroom is shocked and the jury say to the judge, " On what grounds, the defendant has given more than enough evidence to prove his position?"
The judge smiles and say, "On these grounds, the defendant had hate and evil intention in his heart for his best friend."
The jury is confused and ask the judge, " How do you know this?"
The judge replies, " I can read his thoughts, in fact I know everyone of his thoughts, I know for certain that he has thought this in his heart."
Sounds quite fanciful right? You may say, no one can read someone's thoughts.
Well let us see, let us read Mark 2 verse 7 and 8,
"Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone?
But immediately, when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they reasoned thus within themselves, He said to them, "Why do you reason about these things in your heart?"

God is our final judge and we will have to stand before Him one day and give account of our lives to Him, for it is appointed unto man to live once and then the judgment.
God knows our every thought and action, that is why He is a just judge, for He knows our very intention, which is hidden from the eyes of men.
He is able to judge not only our actions, but our very thoughts.
This is a profound thing to think, He knows your thoughts at this very moment.
The question we should ask ourselves is whether our thoughts and actions are pure before God?
Do we honor God with our thoughts and actions or do we dishonor him?
Ask yourself that question, "Do I honor God with my thoughts?"
It is written in Psalm 94 verse 11,
" The Lord knows the thoughts of man, That they are futile"
He knows that those who live for themselves will think futile thoughts, thoughts that are useless or unacceptable before the Lord.
God declares that we (as believers) have the Mind of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 2 verse 16)
Since we have the mind of Christ, can we think any thoughts we want to think?
Of course not, to have Christ's mind, is to think as He thinks, but how did Christ think?
Now to think as one thinks, we must meditate on what they meditate on.
Phillipians 4 verse 8 says,
"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things"

These are the things we are commanded to meditate on, all these things are found in the Word of God, so we must meditate on the Word of God, we must only allow good thoughts into our minds, that which is approved by God's Word, that which does not transgress His holy laws.
But you may say, "But I can't help it, bad thoughts come into my mind."
Well, do you allow those thoughts to remain in your mind?
The Bible commands us to cast out everything that is contradictory to the Word of God, to cast out everything that sets itself higher than the Word of God, in order to be obedient to Christ (1 Corinthians 10 verse 5).
We must cast these thoughts out in Jesus's name believing and not trust in our own strength.
We cannot allow evil thoughts into our mind, for it is written in Proverbs (KJV) , that as a man thinks it, so he is.
So what you think is what you are!
We must repent of evil thoughts and strive to think good thoughts, that bring honor to the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Remember your thoughts influence your actions, that is what "as a man thinks it, so he is" means.
Strive to think God Honoring thoughts!

(Please note that all scriptural quotations are from the New King James Version, except the last one, which is from the Old King James Version)

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